KB3HHA Ham Radio Software and Tech Info

Home of KB3HHA Memory Manager, KB3HHA Screen Saver, Set 7300 Clock, and CI-V Scout

Windows Applications

KB3HHA Memory Manager

Memory manager image
KB3HHA Memory Manager is the Windows application that will help you enter, manage, and organize the memory channels in your ICOM 7300 or 7610 transceiver.
This software comes in two versions, the free Lite Edition and the paid Professional Edition.

Both versions support the Icom IC-7300 and IC-7610. If you own an IC-7300 or IC-7610 download the latest version of the Lite edition or the trial version of the Professional edition and give it a try.

Current Versions
Lite version 1.0.2141.0 released on Nov 02, 2024
Professional version released on Nov 03, 2024

KB3HHA Screen Saver

Screen saver image
KB3HHA Screen Saver for Windows prevents burn in of your monitor while displaying useful information.

This screen saver has five configurable display panels that show the current local weather and space weather conditions, the local weather forecast, and animated images of the Earth and Sun.

Current Version
Version released on Jul 12, 2024

More Windows Applications

Set 7300 Clock

Set 7300 Clock image
Set 7300 Clock is a free utility to permit setting the clock of an ICOM 7300 radio from a connected Windows PC

There are two versions of Set 7300 Clock, a PowerShell script and a compiled C# version. Source code for both programs is also provided.

Current Version
Version released on Jul 27, 2024

CI-V Scout

CI-V Scout image
CI-V Scout is a free utility application for testing CI-V communications with an ICOM radio.

With this software you can build CI-V commands, send them to your radio, and view the responses. You can also view the CI-V data sent by your radio as you operate the front panel controls.

Current Version
New Version Version released on Mar 27, 2025

Logbook Backup Cleaner

Logbook backup cleaner screen capture
Logbook Backup Cleaner is a free command line application for removing logbook backup files.

HRD Logbook can be set to automatically create backups of your logs. Periodically I like to clean up old backup files and only keep the more recent ones. This utility allows automating that cleanup job.

Github repository for the source code.
Current Version
Version released on Jan 30, 2024


Send-CIVCommand screen capture
Send-CIVCommand is a free command line application for testing CI-V commands.

With this software you can send CI-V commands to a CI-V capable device and view the responses.

Current Version
Version released on Sep 26, 2024


Mandelbrot screen capture
Mandelbrot is a free basic Mandelbrot set generator and visualizer.

I wrote this application as an exercise, and have released the source code in case anybody is interested.

Github repository for the source code.

FAT Reorder

FAT Reorder screen capture
FAT Reorder is a free utility application for ordering the files on a FAT formatted drive.

With this software you can order the files on a FAT drive. I wrote it to be able to specify the order that the songs stored on a USB thumb drive were played on my car sound system.

Free Cross Platform (Java) Applications

APRS Viewer

APRS Viewer image
APRS Viewer is a free Java based APRS client application.

APRSViewer includes sending and receiving packets via a KISS mode TNC or via APRS-IS, mapping, dead reckoning, and smart beaconing. This application was written using Java for cross platform compatability.

Weather Station Software

Weather web site image
The software that powers my personal weather station.

Supports 1-wire and Davis Vantage View weather stations. Includes the weather station server software as well as the software and pages for my weather web site.

Github repository for the web site code
Github repository for the weather station software.

Free Android Applications


Calendricalc is a free date, time zone, holiday, and coordinate conversion calculator.


ErlangBCalc is a free ErlangB calculator.

Calculate the number of trunk lines/ports to support a given call volume.

My Goal

Developing computer software has been my career and hobby, and I enjoy sharing my work with you. While the main focus of this web site is the applications I develop, I want it to be more than just a software repository or "sales" site. This site must provide content that is educational, informative, and that will serve as a technical resource for people with similar interests.

To that end, I created a technical articles page with information, tips, and tricks in a "blog like" format. These articles share some of the ideas and techniques that others will benefit from. I have also created a page of technical resources related to ham radio and computer programming that I know you will find informative.

If you want to encourage me to continue developing software you can