
A command line application to send CI-V commands.

Send-CIVCommand was written as a companion program to CIVScout. CIVScout gives you the ability to create and test CI-V commands and save them to a file. Send-CIVCommand provides a way to send those CI-V commands on the command line to a CI-V capable serial device.

Send-CIVCommand screen shot

Commands are specified as two digit hexadecimal characters in the format <command> <subcommand> <data>. The subcommand and data fields are optional depending on the command. You should not specify the leading FE FE or the trailing FD. It is OK to prepend each byte with a leading '0x', but it is not necessary. Spaces are optional, but can be used for readability. If the '#' character is present, anything after it is treated as a comment.

Send-CIVCommand is able to use commands from multiple sources. It can use commands that you specify on the command line using the -c option, commands saved in a macro file using the -f option, or commands piped in from a command that generates CI-V commands.

Here are a few examples:

CI-V commands specified on the command line using the -c option

Single command to set frequency to 14.175 MHz

Send-CIVCommand -p COM1 -a 0x94 -c "05 00 50 17 14 00"

Multiple commands to set frequency to 14.175 MHz and operating mode to USB with filter 1

Send-CIVCommand -p COM1 -a 0x94 -c "05 00 50 17 14 00" "06 01 01"

CI-V commands read from a file.

The file can be created using either CI-V Scout or a text editor such as Notepad.

Send-CIVCommand -p COM1 -a 0x94 -f path\to\some\file.txt

CI-V commands read from a pipeline

Pipe in commands from any program that outputs CI-V commands as text

YourCIVCommandGenerator | Send-CIVCommand -p COM1 -a 0x94

CI-V command sources can be combined. For example, commands can be specified on the command line and also read from a file. When more than one source is specified, the order that Send-CIVCommand looks for commands are:

  • Command line parameters using the -c option
  • A text file using the -f option
  • Piped in commands

Here are all of the command line options for Send-CIVCommand

  Send CI-V command(s) to a compatible device. There are options to suppress console output, and to set communication
  parameters. Commands to be sent can be specified on the command line, read from a file, or piped in from another

  Send-CIVCommand [options]

  -p, --port <COM10|COM5|COM7|COM8|COM9> (REQUIRED)         The COM port connected to the CI-V device.
  -a, --destinationaddress <destinationaddress> (REQUIRED)  The address of the CI-V device to communicate with.
  -c, --commands <commands>                                 A list of CI-V commands specified as a hexadecimal string.
  -f, --file <FILEPATH>                                     Path to a file that contains CI-V commands, one per line. []
  -b, --baud <115200|19200|38400|4800|57600|9600>           COM port baud rate setting. [default: 115200]
  --databits <databits>                                     COM port data bits setting. Must be an integer >= 5 and <=
                                                            8. [default: 8]
  --parity <Even|Mark|None|Odd|Space>                       COM port parity setting. [default: None]
  --stopbits <None|One|OnePointFive|Two>                    COM port stop bits setting. [default: One]
  --handshake                                               COM port handshake setting. [default: None]
  --RTS                                                     COM port RTS setting. [default: False]
  --DTR                                                     COM port DTR setting. [default: False]
  -t, --timeout <timeout>                                   Command timeout period in milliseconds. [default: 500]
  -q, --quiet                                               Don't display normal output to the console. Error messages
                                                            will still be displayed. [default: False]
  -d, --debug <Debug|Information|None|Verbose|Warning>      Turn on debug logging. Order of severity is None, Warning,
                                                            Information, Debug, Verbose. [default: None]
  --version                                                 Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                            Show help and usage information


Release History

Version Date Comments
1.0.0 27-Sep-2024 Initial release

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