About HAM Radio Station KB3HHA
Here's some information about how I got started with HAM radio and the equipment and software I use.
How I Became Interested
I clearly remember two separate things that got me interested in
radio. The first was my grandfather. He helped me build
a simple crystal radio when I was very young. It always amazed
me that I could hear AM broadcast stations on a radio that didn't
even need any batteries. Of course it didn't hurt that there was a
very powerful station only a few miles from my house.Later on my
grandfather gave me a portable radio that could receive AM and FM
broadcasts, VHF, and shortwave. The shortwave was what
fascinated me the most. I used to spend a lot of time
listening to all the foreign stations. The second thing that
got me interested was a large console radio at my neighbor's
house. I remember the push buttons on the front labelled with
the names of foreign cities.
In junior high school I joined the radio club. I learned about ham
radio and was working on getting my license. Unfortunately the
student who organized the club decided to quit being a ham and the club fell
apart. I tried to continue studying for my license, but when I
saw the price of equipment I quickly determined that the hobby was
cost prohibitive for me at the time. I slowly turned to other
hobbies, but my interest never completely died.
During the late 1980's/early 1990's I worked with Mary Garret, a
blind computer programmer. In conversations with her I learned
she was a ham radio operator. When I told her I had once
studied for my license she gave me a copy of the recent study guide
so that I could renew my efforts to become licensed. That got
me thinking about ham radio again, and I did start studying, but
still didn't get my license.
Finally, in 2001 I became determined to get my license. I
studied the theory and regulations, and practiced the Morse code,
which was a requirement for getting a license. I did pass all
the tests, and received my call sign, KB3HHA, from the FCC.
And it only took me 30 years.
My station consists of the following commercial hardware:
- ICOM IC-7300 100W HF-6M transceiver
- ICOM IC-705 HF/50/144/440 MHz Multimode Portable Transceiver
- Alinco DM330 30 amp power supply
- MFJ 993B automatic antenna tuner
- LDG Z-100 Plus automatic antenna tuner
- ICOM IC-2100 2 meter transceiver
- SDRPlay RSP1A SDR receiver
- MFJ 1708B-SDR antenna switch
- MyAntennas OCFD-8010 antenna
- Yaesu FT-50R dual band VHF/UHF handheld transceiver
- Baofeng dual band VHF/UHF handheld transceiver
- Several Radio Shack scanners
Along with a number of kits and homebrew projects.
In addition, I use the following software:
- HamRadioDeluxe
- Win4IcomSuite
- JTAlertX
- ICOM 7300 Memory Manager
- APRSViewer
- SDRUno
On The Air Activity
Here are the most recent contacts from my log: